23 julho 2009

Duas irmas, duas jornadas. um relacao para toda a vida

Esse poema e em homenagem a minha irma Eliza que compartilhou comigo partes dessa jornada no Oriente Medio, te pela sua simples presenca me lembra sempre a rir de mim mesma e a confiar nas nossas escolhas, a viajar leve e a usar menos a cabeca...

Duas irmas
Mesmo dia de nascimento
Dois meses diferentes
Cinco anos de diferenca
Um mesmo ciclo de vida
Momento de decisao e mudanca
Ha 6 meses, duas viagens
ao mesmo tempo
com o mesmo proposito, mas em lugares tao distantes
Encontrar outra casa
Encontrar-se na casa de si
Agora num mesmo lugar
Duas viagens que se encontram
Duas vidas da mesma fonte
Duas fontes nessa vida
que quando se encontram deixam transbordar de si cumplicidade, amizade
Nessa que eh a nossa irmandade!

Hosting the Flow Game in Istanbul


And so we played the Flow Game* in Istanbul to inquiry How to Ground the Call of Action I Want to Take Forward Now?

Five people participated: Basak, Filiz Telek, Aaron Pereira, Luke Concannon and Yasemin and we played it for one day and a half.

Much clarity had emerged as the rounds took place and the cards would be inviting our intelligence and wisdom to be spoken.

Luke hosted us with his music on our check in and check out - as we can see at the video :)

*The Flow Game is a process designed as a board game that creates the space for individual and collective consciousness and intelligence to emerge through reflection, dialogue and interactive learning.

The purpose and intent of the Flow Game is to strengthen and bring flow to the life affirming leadership and actions of the participant. Its aim is to strengthen and bring focus and flow into important area or question in one’s life - be it a project, a future direction of your work or relationships or as part of your personal growth.
For more information: www.flowgame.net
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20 julho 2009

Flowing on the Bosphorus

Series of poems written in Istanbul on July 2009

Flow Game

Being on board
being on the board
of the boat of life and love

Living the intensity of feeling the longing for someone who is yet not gone
And so we traveled on Ahmet's boat
acroos the Golden Horn.

Tears of surrender
to the magic of time and the mysteries of our unplanned life

Melancholic singing of a man apart from his land, his roots, his source
Living on board
being led by the swing of the tied of the Bosphorus
Dormant pain kept by the strength of the raki
Latent wounded and lonely heart
Longing for affection
One touch, one smile
just the tone of the guitar strings resonating

And we sang:
"Everybody need somebody to love!"

The boat going round
Us three dancing
as the waves dance when meeting the stones at the shore

White bubbles
transparent, sweet and salty
filled with compassion and love
flying on the air
towards the full moon
Round, big and undiscriminating
as the Humanity that lied within the hearts of all.

(with much gratitude to Ahmet, an old black sea sail man for having trusted his heart and home to me, hosting, cruising and singing on the Bosphorus. And Luke for trusting the trust of my yes)

Armuts of friendship in Bursa

Series of poems written in Istanbul on July 2009

Armuts of friendship in Bursa

In Bursa the air is lighter and people are friendly
After tasting chocolate and strawbeery cakes with multiple layers of fine dough and soft sweet cream.
we sing. laugh and play the theatre

The responsibility over our shoulders get lighter
as we become friends and witnesses of one another's journey

Telling and sharing stories of our childhood:
the distant village of the Black Sea where people dance around in circles,
the pipe my dad plays so well and that touches me every time I hear it,
the long afternoons spent milking the cows at the so loved family farm.

Where do we come from?
What are the original roots of our ancestors?
Bosnia, Russia, Ireland, Anatolia, Otomans, Brazilian indigenous indians, Africa, United Kingdom, France...

From the upper part of the of town,
we find nature and hospitality on colorful armuts spread on the green fresh grass

JCB is on the road,
being sang and applauded as it goes
as it speaks to us all
Oh oh oh!

(with much love and gratitude to my friends Ozge, Erdinc, Gozde for hosting me so beautifully and delightfully in your hometown; and to my companion of dancing and singing journey Luke Skywalker)

Love light

Series of poems written in Istanbul on July 2009

Expressing from the soul the encounters, feelings and insights had on this crossroad land


We were born the same
man and woman
light and brown
one to sing and the other to dance
from the heart we shall live
with the power we've got.

Love and light
that we are
that is guide
for decisions.
for the road to be taken forward
in the world

In silence...loving, light

01 julho 2009

In Istanbul

Rumı's whispering for thıs day...

In a place between masculıne and famınıne, where Agıas Sophıa meets heart to heart wıth the Blue Mosque, there ıs Love ın abundance, flowıng through the source...
We shall all meet there...

Wıth much love and gratıtude for your ever support on thıs journey called lıfe .
