Hoje e Roshashana aqui em Jerusalem. Judeus aqui e no mundo todo estao comemorando a entrada do novo ano. Para isso reunem-se nas sinagogas de toda a cidade, rezando, cantando e cada um consigo fazendo reflexoes sobre o que fora esse ano passado, quais as acoes e padroes que causaram bem e quais que trouxeram tristezas. E tempo de se examinar, pedir perdao pelos atos cometidos a Deus e ao proximo, rezar para o que quer viver no ano que entra, alinhar-se com Deus e com as pessoas ao seu redor.
E ca estou, sentada no jardim da casa do Avner e Sara, queridos anfitrioes, que estao nos recebendo nestes dias - e outros passados ao longo das ultimas semanas. Logo ao lado, da Sinagoga ressoa os cantos de oracao e prece honrando a chegada do novo ano. Luke esta no quarto ao lado praticando e sua musica tambem preenche o espaco.
Faco as minhas reflexoes. O que foi esse ano para mim? O que me tornei com as experiencias vividas? Quais as mudancas que quero fazer para que este ano seja ainda mais pleno? O que que quero para minha vida no ano que comeca?
Na segunda feira sigo a caminho para o Libano. Em Beirut vou estar pelas proximas duas semanas, oferecendo junto com Hala, conversasoes para a comunidade com quem ela esta trabalhando. Sinto mesmo o comeco de uma nova fase na jornada. A oportunidade de voltar a Israel se materializando com o Flow Game que vou jogar na casa de Tova em duas semanas. A vontade de ficar pelo Oriente Medio ganhando mais corpo e chao.Incerteza sobre os proximos passos e onde estarei melhor servindo. Coracao buscando entender.
Entre isso e aquilo, no geral amando muito e buscando as respostas para as perguntas mais profundas sobre o caminho e o sentido da jornada. Vivendo cada dia de uma vez, entregando-se de corpo e alma a cada encontro e conversas.
Aprendizagens na prática de anfitriã de conversas: O belo e a poesia nas pequenas coisas: O alegre e o doído da vida num olhar singelo: Aquilo que é porque é
19 setembro 2009
16 setembro 2009
One word to the Middle East
Hospitality. This is the word I can use to describe the Middle East in one word.
If there is one thing that unites the peoples from this part of the world, it is their natural gift of being hospitable and welcoming to guests. True that it might take a different timing from people to people to open themselves and feel confidence on the strange guest till they invite you to come in their lives.
Throughout all these travels I've been having the great opportunity to meet the most amazing people most of the times very unexpectedly and magically. From Istanbul to Jerusalem people have just been amazing in offering their homes, introducing me to their friends and people who they think could offer to my learning journey.
Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Kurds, Israelis, Syrians, Jordans, Turks, all have proved to be natural hosts and welcoming people once I have opened myself to be with them without preconceived judgments or ideas, coming in from a place of true learning and will to understand.
And this has proven to be the most necessary thing to cultivate at this time. It has proven to be one of my great learning this trip. Something into which I am willing to be more and more skillful as I get to understand deeper and deeper how we are always on a continuous journey of learning and absorbing.
If there is one thing that unites the peoples from this part of the world, it is their natural gift of being hospitable and welcoming to guests. True that it might take a different timing from people to people to open themselves and feel confidence on the strange guest till they invite you to come in their lives.
Throughout all these travels I've been having the great opportunity to meet the most amazing people most of the times very unexpectedly and magically. From Istanbul to Jerusalem people have just been amazing in offering their homes, introducing me to their friends and people who they think could offer to my learning journey.
Arabs, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Kurds, Israelis, Syrians, Jordans, Turks, all have proved to be natural hosts and welcoming people once I have opened myself to be with them without preconceived judgments or ideas, coming in from a place of true learning and will to understand.
And this has proven to be the most necessary thing to cultivate at this time. It has proven to be one of my great learning this trip. Something into which I am willing to be more and more skillful as I get to understand deeper and deeper how we are always on a continuous journey of learning and absorbing.
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