09 fevereiro 2010

With Bare Feet

I had stepped on this land before
But I had not stepped on it with bare feet
I had not yet let myself to go into this earth

With bare feet I am with my soul naked
uncovered from any barrier which separates us

With bare feet I am letting the earth read me and to absorb it all
Molding and shaping itself to my soles
Connecting, concealing

The earth was cold
half frozen, half asleep
awakening from a long time within
under covered by the thick layers of snow

The snow has been melting away
as the sun is coming out slowly
to caresse our faces with its tender light a
and inspiring life.

The earth is awakening
becoming greener and present

The birds are singing in the morning
as to salute the sun and the brighter days

With bare feet
I am able to feel it all
let the earth speaks to me
sweet and almost silent whispers brought by the chill breeze

With bare feet I surrender to the mysteries of this land
and the magic it is holding for me
as I let it speak and manifest through me

And I pray for it to last
for my stay to be long and bear juicy fruits
when Spring had come and gone
and it will be Summer

With my bare feet.

Reaching the Generous Limits of the Sky

To love is also to hope
To hope for it to last
For that which is felt by one to be extended and felt by the other

To love is also to hope
that ir can be understood
that it can be respected and honored

To love is to learn to let go
of the Self and the pride

It is an invitation to be open for the world
even when the world seems to be closed to you

To love is to be proud of your feelings
and don't let anyone doubt their intensity

To love is to smile brightly and big
even when your heart is small with sadness and disappointment

To love is to never let go of the tenderness and care for your beloved
just because your ego may say it is the right thing to do

To love is to share your happiness with others
and let them to feel loved and be loving too.

To love is to be courageous to let your love go
to let it be transformed by time

To love is to say "I love you"
even when you risk not hearing it back

It is this enormous feeling that transcends the barriers of rational understanding
and reached the generous limits of the sky and beyond!

To love is to love more and more and more, at every new story you have
and to never be afraid of not having enough to give.
Because Love is infinite and it has no owner or expiring date
It is immortal and transcendental!

05 fevereiro 2010

Living Winter when it is not Spring

I have been thinking about anticipation these days.

As I walk through the main shopping alleys of the Netherlands I notice that all shops are already selling out, on 70 percent discount or more, their Winter Collection and are starting to display the new Spring Collection. Nevertheless the weather outside their windows is still freezing, rainy and gray... And we start to live a Spring which is not yet there, and will only really come in approximately 2 months from now.

From here to the 21st of March we will be longing for a time that still is about to come, for something which is not yet reality. We will be wishing the days were already sunny, the flowers blossoming and the trees green, instead of, as Nature, preparing ourselves to leave this hibernating and introverted period, and being ready to enter a new cycle in our lives.

Anticipating what is yet to come prevents us to being present and appreciating what simply is and the beauty and fragile impermanence which resides in it. If only we would walk on the streets and parks of our cities and watched how slowly the trees and loans start to awaken and bring about a different quality of life in their systems. If only we would walk around in our own systems and slowly awaken ourselves to the different quality of life we are able to live and that is being called from us at this time, and only in this very now.

So when Spring comes we are not regretting what is no longer there. So when Spring comes we welcome it with our spirits fresh, our hearts open and ready to fully live what it IS.

Love me too

In the shop's front windows and shelves Love is displayed in red
Hearts and cupids fill in people's eyes on the streets
Love is in the air!

Soon it is Valentine's Day
Hearts get filled with hope and wish for the expected proposal or declaration from the beloved ones
Minds get preoccupied with the restless fear of loneliness
But we are all tuned into Love...

Loving ourselves, so that others can love us too
Loving others, with compassion and acceptance for what is
Loving our parents, and being grateful for their eternal support and unconditional love
Loving our children, and letting them play with the child that always live inside of us
Loving our grandparents, and honoring the paths they have walked and made it possible for us to walk differently now
Loving our partners, with our most authentic selves

Valiant Valentine
Valentine Valiant
Loving courageously and fierce
Loving tenderly and deep