20 janeiro 2010

What can I offer to the young?

Here I am now in Jarna, Sweden as a contributor to the Youth Initiative Program (www.yip.se) that gathers young from 18 to 25 for a whole year so can learn and experience practices of social entrepreneurship. The place is beautiful and is considered to be the center for Antroposophy in Scandinavia, so is quite special...

As Jasmine (my mate for this work, whom I met in Copenhagen) and I were walking towards the venue where the training would take place on Monday morning, this beautiful deer came running and crossed our way. It was just amazing and I wonder what was the sign it was bringing for us.

As the week passes by, and we unfold the Chaordic Stepping Stones to the group and they respond to us saying they are really liking it and that it's being at perfect timing, I realize the deer was telling me about having the courage to step up and take leadership to pass on the knowledge and experience that I have. As I go sharing with these youngsters what my journey has been and what I am holding for the future, it grows bigger in me the sense of responsibility to play an active and intentional role in hosting youth in becoming their full potential as well as bridging them with the adult/ elder world.

And I am so grateful for that clarity and for the opportunity to be here now.

2 comentários:

  1. Querida Tine!
    Tudo bem? Que bom saber de você ;)
    Já de volta ao Brasil, mil coisas acontecendo, precisamos nos ver quando você voltar.
    Lendo seu post pensei na minha sobrinha, que vai passar o ano na Alemanha fazendo intercâmbio. Você teria alguma recomendação de um projeto/programa desse tipo que ela possa conhecer enquanto está lá?
    um beijo grande,
