09 fevereiro 2010

With Bare Feet

I had stepped on this land before
But I had not stepped on it with bare feet
I had not yet let myself to go into this earth

With bare feet I am with my soul naked
uncovered from any barrier which separates us

With bare feet I am letting the earth read me and to absorb it all
Molding and shaping itself to my soles
Connecting, concealing

The earth was cold
half frozen, half asleep
awakening from a long time within
under covered by the thick layers of snow

The snow has been melting away
as the sun is coming out slowly
to caresse our faces with its tender light a
and inspiring life.

The earth is awakening
becoming greener and present

The birds are singing in the morning
as to salute the sun and the brighter days

With bare feet
I am able to feel it all
let the earth speaks to me
sweet and almost silent whispers brought by the chill breeze

With bare feet I surrender to the mysteries of this land
and the magic it is holding for me
as I let it speak and manifest through me

And I pray for it to last
for my stay to be long and bear juicy fruits
when Spring had come and gone
and it will be Summer

With my bare feet.

4 comentários:

  1. Your poetry is so beautiful Valentine!

  2. Tinoca Lindo! São estes momentos que valem a plenitude da vida.Mama

  3. Linda, sensivel, cosmpolita, multilingue, vanguardista, transgressora, mente aberta, poetisa...
    casa comigo, tá? ainda dá tempo.
    (te achei pelo link do skype)
