Today it's been one year that I have left for this journey, or rather, should I say that I got on the golden thread of The Journey?! A journey which has taken me from the lakes of the Danish Kingdom to the canals of the Netherlands, passing by the deserts of Syria, the Grand Bazaar of Istanbul and the golden dome of Jerusalem.
In one chronological year I have crossed thousands of years of the ancient traditions, peoples and religions. In one chronological year I have experienced in my cells the unmeasurable time of God, Love. In this one year I have been dancing in between the time of Earth and the time of Heaven.
In one chronological year so much has happened that I can't even fit into the hours and days of our conventional calendar. The pace of time has accelerated in times of joy, surrender and truth. And it has slowed down, as if almost to stop, in times of attachment, control, moaning and distrust.
In one chronological year I have flowed in the flow of Yes and have felt the infinite source that responds positively to it. At a point where there are times when it's almost impossible to separate the things which happen on the time of Earth and the things that happen on Sky time.
I wonder then, where lies the line in between each of them. Is it in our minds? Is it in our rules? Is it in the nature of things? Or is it in IT all together?
One thing I am learning...
Love travels on Sky time
Papers travel on Earth time
Intention travels on both Sky and Earth times