28 abril 2013

There is a silent (re)volution happening

There is a silent re-evolution happening
Just here, in front of my eyes
When we come together, in kindness, to be,
listening to music,
This temple of Life
Lyrics flowing as our conversations are glowing

We come in silence to hear,... the voice of our hearts is pulsing together
For no reason we know of
For no explanation the mind can give
Just the simple desire to gather
To join "both hands, both hands"

This temple of Life
where Love finds its ground,
a fertile place to grow.

Around a cup of coffee.
Or maybe just an excuse to come closer,
come closer to our communities,
To our friends,
friends we have lost somewhere - where the streets have no name

Here. At Voorstraat they gain meaning
Where friends are realizing dreams
and dreams into ideas
"To make it happen, right now, and change the world"

Een cup of thee, maybe...
verse munt thee or Earl Grey.
We all have a choice.
Which pick to take?
Which sidewalk to walk?
Albert Heijn or SoEco?
Puha Shop or H&M?
Village Coffee or Coffee Company?

We can go for chains...
Afterall we all come from a long lineage of one: The Homo Sapiens

We can go for individuals
The people behind the balcony who is one of your kind.

We can go for streams.
Between main and live,
I choose for LifeStream
Surround acoustic and
Gezellig atmosphere

In or out,
here, there and everywhere

We are all a part of it.

Main or live, the stream is the same...
One of a kind: from the lineage of Sapiens
That perfect blend which given a twist, poured over with some good hot water can awaken the world.

To take away or to stay
It's just a matter of perpective
The blend comes along, it is all in the grains.

Muffins, to sweeten the taste of that bitter bite, of a broken heart, or a missed job interview.

Some go for berries, others go for fudge.

Whatever your choice,
Be natural
Be mellow
Be sweet
Be there!

Poem written by Valentine Giraud during the concert of Ryan Adams @ The Village Coffee & Music in Utrecht, Holland on 13 October 2011

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